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In Crimea, nurses, workers and teachers work in the same job the longest

In Crimea, nurses, workers and teachers work in the same job the longest

CrimeaPRESS reports:

High-paying job search service SuperJob found out which areas the most stable employees work in. We looked at the resumes of Crimean residents aged 30 to 35: at this age, most already have work experience, but at the same time remain active in the labor market.

SuperJob found that the most permanent employees are nurses and skilled workers: on average, their term of employment in one place is 6.2 years. In second place are teachers (6.1 years). Third place is shared by microbiologists and auditors, who change jobs on average once every 6 years.

The rate of job change frequency depends on the field of activity. Where project-based employment and fixed-term employment contracts are practiced, the average term of employment is lower. For example, the most unstable specialists are PR specialists. They change employers every 2 years. UI/UX designers and business analysts work in one place for about 2.5 years on average.

What processes led to the fact that the average length of employment in one place increased in most of the studied professional groups compared to 2020, especially among foreign trade managers (+2.6 years), medical representatives (+2.4 years), lawyers and sales managers (plus 2.3 years). First of all, this is a personnel shortage: in the conditions of a serious shortage of workers, companies focused on retaining staff. The job seeker today is completely different: there are more of those who are looking for a new job without quitting the old one.

Time of the event: August 2024

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