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In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided

In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Option: hospital-sanatorium for air defense soldiers.

Villa Sofia Rotaru in Crimea was proposed to be converted into a hospital and sanatorium for SVO soldiers. This is reported by SHOT.

Once again, “Veterans of Russia” came forward with a request to seize the mansion. They sent appeals to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov so that the department would go to court with a claim to seize the villawrites the publication.

Villa Sofia on the Yalta embankment came into the possession of Rotaru back in 1996. Then she managed to purchase this house at an auction (at the Yalta YU-KUB commodity exchange). In Soviet times, the Yalta city radio was located here. Two nuances of the story: the price of 500 dollars (!!!) and the fact that the building was listed in the register «national cultural heritage of Ukraine» The former “Roffe baths”, built in the 19th century, with the light hand of the singer turned into Villa Sofia and became a luxury hotel.

In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided

Photo: SHOT

And even more precisely, it was like this: in 1991, People’s Artist of the USSR Sofia Rotaru designed the building of the “baths” and a land plot of 0.8 hectares on the Yalta embankment for rent for 20 years. Moreover, how claim people involved in the deal, the singer paid the rent for all years at once. Then there was that same auction “for five hundred bucks.” In 1997 got excited Ukrainian prosecutor’s office. The logic of the Crimean prosecutor named Shuba was ironclad:

An architectural monument included in the register of national cultural heritage is not subject to denationalization and privatization and cannot become an object of purchase and sale on the Yalta Commodity Exchange.

In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided

Ukrainian prosecutor Vladimir Shuba, who sued Rotaru in the 90s.

So, in the mid-90s, the authorities tried to return house No. 31 (with an area of ​​almost 438 square meters) on the embankment named after. Lenin either into Crimean or Yalta property. There were trials that Rotaru… won. In 2005, the singer finally made the building of the “Roffe Baths” her property. The explanation of “Crimean generosity” was replicated by the media:

The wear and tear of the architectural monument was 80–100 percent, and it is transferred to Rotaru only under the condition of complete restoration, which must be carried out by qualified specialists.

In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided

It was assumed that after completion of the work, the mansion would house Sofia Rotaru’s music studio, a salon for creative meetings, and a center for gifted children. Hehe…

In 2008, a five-star “boutique hotel” named after the singer Villa Sofia was officially opened (!), with the participation of officials and the Ukrainian elite. Guests were offered to stay in 12 rooms — from standard to luxury.

an architectural monument included in the register of national cultural heritage is not subject to denationalization and privatization and cannot become an object of purchase and sale on the Yalta Commodity Exchange.

Those same “numbers”. Photo:

At the time the hotel closed in 2020, the cheapest room cost 12 thousand rubles per day, and the most expensive — 80 thousand rubles. Sofia Rotaru had her own apartments in the hotel, which were not rented out to guests.

In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided


“Veterans of Russia” are sure that Rotaru probably bought the building in violation of the law. In addition, the artist regularly donates to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and is waiting for the return of Crimea to Ukraine. They believe that the five-story building is perfect for housing a hospital and sanatorium for the rehabilitation and treatment of air defense soldiers— emphasizes SHOT .

In Crimea, the future of the Sofia villa on the Yalta embankment is being decided

View from the window of Villa Sofia. Photo:

“Veterans of Russia” propose to set up a hospital-sanatorium in the hotel for Northern Military District soldiers. Previously, Senator Sergei Tsekov offered “relocate” the Yalta registry office to this building on the embankment. And even earlier (before the start of the SVO), Rotaru herself tried sell your villa. By the way, not for 500 dollars at all, but for 25 million euros.

Photos and materials from publications were used: SHOT, Woman, Kommersant, MSK1.RU.

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