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In Crimea, the repair of the bridge on the Golubinka – Peredovoe – Shirokoe road is being completed.

In Crimea, the repair of the bridge on the Golubinka – Peredovoe – Shirokoe road is being completed.

CrimeaPRESS reports:

As part of the implementation of the national project “Safe Quality Roads” in Crimea, repairs of the bridge on the public intermunicipal road “Golubinka — Peredovoe — Shirokoe” continue. The customer is the State Public Institution of the Republic of Crimea “Road Service of the Republic of Crimea”. According to the Republican Ministry of Transport, repair and restoration work on the bridge is almost complete.

The work was carried out in two stages — road workers dismantled dilapidated structural elements, then carried out a large volume of repair and restoration work, including the installation of a new asphalt concrete pavement. Workers will soon begin installing road signs and road markings.,” noted the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Crimea.

As part of the national project “Safe Quality Roads,” bridges and overpasses have been brought into standard condition since 2022; this year it is planned to repair 24 bridges and bridge crossings. Currently, construction and installation work is underway at 18 sites. Construction and installation work was completed at 2 sites with a total length of 46,910 linear meters. Also, 4 facilities were put into operation with a total length of 77.2 linear meters.

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