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In Crimea, they intend to complete the construction of two polyclinics in 2024

In Crimea, they intend to complete the construction of two polyclinics in 2024

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The construction of two new polyclinics in the Republic of Crimea is planned to be completed in 2024 as part of the modernization of primary health care. This was reported on website the Ministry of Health of the Republic following the visit to the region by the head of the Russian Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko.

In Crimea, measures to modernize primary healthcare continue. This year, funding in the amount of 1.1 billion rubles is provided for these purposes. Of the most significant, it is planned to complete the construction of two large polyclinics. Funding for the program for 2025 will amount to 1.7 billion rubles, — Murashko’s words are quoted in the report.

According to him, a new stage of modernization of the primary health care system and inclusion in the program of those regions of Crimea that were not previously included in it are being discussed. «Our task is to bring all outpatient and polyclinic institutions to modern requirements,» the minister emphasized.

In the region, Murashko visited medical institutions located in the cities of Saki and Yevpatoriya.

Earlier, the regional Ministry of Health reported that in 2014-2023, more than 7.6 thousand units of medical equipment were purchased for healthcare institutions. More than 370 ambulances were purchased. More than 300 FAPs and outpatient clinics were created. More than 900 healthcare facilities were fully or partially repaired, including major repairs of more than 360 facilities in 58 state healthcare institutions.

In 2025-2030, it is planned to build more than 70 primary healthcare facilities, which will improve the quality and accessibility of medical care.

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