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In Crimea, weather forecasters record abnormally high temperatures

In Crimea, weather forecasters record abnormally high temperatures

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Forecasters have noted abnormally warm temperatures in the Republic of Crimea since March 30; they will last until April 3. About it TASS said Deputy Head of the Crimean Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Tatyana Lyubetskaya.

Over the past three days, average daily temperatures have been well above normal. Warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea entered the region, which caused such dry, hot weather. Average daily air temperatures fluctuated and reached 10 degrees above normal. Such high temperatures were not observed throughout the entire territory of Crimea, for example, on the cool coast it was 19-24 degrees Celsius,” Lyubetskaya said, adding that in some areas of the peninsula the weather reached 28 degrees Celsius.

She noted that on April 2 the wind will increase to 15-20 m/s, and on April 3 the weather on the peninsula will change sharply: warm air masses will give way to cold air, the air temperature will drop sharply to 16-21 degrees Celsius during the day and to 7-12 degrees at night, there will be light rain, tomorrow the wind will increase to 15-20 m/s.

On the remaining days by the end of the week, the temperature will return to normal, the deputy head of the department noted.

source: TASS

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