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In Dzhankoy, a 15-year-old teenager was electrocuted… on a carousel. Results of the prosecutor's investigation

In Dzhankoy, a 15-year-old teenager was electrocuted… on a carousel. Results of the prosecutor's investigation

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Crimean prosecutor’s office has investigated the fact of an injury to a minor amusement ride worker by electric current in Dzhankoy.

On June 17, 2024, a 15-year-old employee of one of the attractions located in the city park received an electrical injury while preparing to launch the attraction. The teenager was taken to a healthcare facility, where he received the necessary assistance. It was established that, in violation of labor legislation, the entrepreneur did not take the necessary labor protection measures, and the minor employee was hired without a medical examination. In addition, when operating the amusement equipment, violations of mandatory norms and rules are allowed— the supervisory authority reported.

Based on the facts of the identified violations, the Dzhankoy interdistrict prosecutor submitted a representation to the individual entrepreneur, which is under consideration.

The employer has been brought to administrative responsibility.

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