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In Evpatoria, debts for renting municipal property and land amount to almost a billion rubles

In Evpatoria, debts for renting municipal property and land amount to almost a billion rubles

CrimeaPRESS reports:

According to the Head of the Administration of Yevpatoria, Alexander Yuryev, one of the priority areas of activity of the administration team is the collection of debts to the city budget. The total amount of debt is almost a billion rubles. The head of the administration of Yevpatoria also noted that this is money that will help solve many problems.

I want to warn you right away that everyone, regardless of status and position, will be held accountable by law and compensate for damages. We will terminate lease agreements and apply other methods of influence within the framework of current legislation. No personal interests can be higher than state ones,” emphasizes Alexander Yuryev.

At the same time, the official called on the debtors to resolve this issue and not bring the matter to court.

source: press service of the Evpatoria administration

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