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In Kerch, a previously convicted local resident “changed his profession” from a thief to a drug dealer. Unsuccessfully

In Kerch, a previously convicted local resident “changed his profession” from a thief to a drug dealer. Unsuccessfully

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The prosecutor’s office of Kerch supported the state prosecution in a criminal case against a 39-year-old local resident. Based on the evidence presented by the prosecutor’s office, he was found guilty of committing crimes under paragraph «a» part 3 of Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal sale of narcotic drugs committed by a group of persons by prior agreement), clause “a” part 3 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft with illegal entry into a dwelling), clause “c” part 2 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft causing significant damage to a citizen), part 2 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (misappropriation of entrusted property).

The court found that a resident of the city, previously repeatedly convicted, committed thefts in 2016, including with the penetration of various property into the dwelling for a total of 60 thousand rubles. In the same year, the man appropriated power tools, which he later sold. In addition, the man, together with his friend, who was previously convicted, distributed acetylated opium in the city. He was also looking for buyers of the drug, after which he acted as an intermediary in the sale of the drug.— reported in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea.

Illegal activity of malefactors is stopped by police officers.

The court, taking into account the position of the public prosecutor and previous convictions, sentenced the man to 9 years and 1 month in prison. The convict will serve his sentence in a strict regime correctional colony.

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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