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In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Kerch, emergency services are eliminating the consequences of the hurricane.

According to the portal KERCH.COM.RU, the “Coin” installation was dismantled from the park on Admiralteysky Proezd, fallen trees are being cut down in the streets. The work took place in the area of ​​Mira, Pobeda, and Nesterov streets: large, heavy poplars fell here. The Zelenkhoz team works with chainsaws; Network workers are immediately working, restoring broken wires. Heavy equipment helps.

In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

On L. Tolstoy Street, the roadway is cleared of a fallen poplar. Travel is also open along Komarova Street. The wind knocked down road signs. During the construction of a bridge across Budyonny Street, a fence was torn off and crushedthe publication notes.

In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

As the head of the Kerch administration Svyatoslav Brusakov said, during the heavy wind, the EDDS alone received more than 250 calls from Kerch residents, this is in addition to calls to the hotlines of resource supply enterprises. City services and network specialists work around the clock, eliminating emergency damage based on requests submitted by residents, according to their complexity.

In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

According to the Crimean meteorological service, there has not been such a strong wind for the last 10 years; the Black Sea region and Kerch were the most affected by it.

Dear Kerchan residents! Thank you all for your patience and understanding! Appeals came from residents and on social networks, most of the comments related to undamaged roofs and fallen trees — which means that all services are coping with the assigned tasks. People were worried that a coin and several lampposts in the recreation area on Admiralteysky could not withstand the hurricane wind. I hasten to reassure you that elements of the beloved recreation area will definitely be restored. And the public area, popularly called “Monetochka”, will be even more beautifulnoted Brusakov.

In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

An emergency headquarters has been established in the city. This morning, the Kerch Distribution Zone has been repairing emergency damage to power grids. Some neighborhoods are without power. The Kerch Gas Operations Department is eliminating accidents on its pipelines. Boiler rooms and heating stations are operating normally.

At the moment we have about 20 fallen trees. There are 5 teams working to cut them. The primary tasks are to clear roadways of fallen trees and restore power supply to homes.

There are no significant floods in the city. Storm drains coped with rainwater, with the exception of the storm drain on the street. G. Petrova. It is currently being cleared. Traffic along this section will be established soonsaid the head of the Kerch administration.

In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

Storm warning continues. The headquarters to eliminate its consequences works around the clock.

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In Kerch, such a strong wind has not been remembered for ten years. How the city eliminates the consequences of the disaster

Photo: KERCH.COM.RU and VK News Kerch Crimea Russia

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