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In Kerch, the prosecutor's office became concerned about the quality of water from taps in residents' apartments

In Kerch, the prosecutor's office became concerned about the quality of water from taps in residents' apartments

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Kerch, the prosecutor demands the development and approval of programs for monitoring the quality of drinking water in apartment buildings in the city.

The prosecutor’s office of the city of Kerch conducted an inspection of compliance with the requirements of legislation on water supply and sanitation in the activities of one of the management companies. It has been established that this enterprise operates 83 apartment buildings. In violation of the requirements of the law, the enterprise did not develop a program for industrial control of the quality of drinking water supplied to residential buildings. In order to eliminate the identified violations, the city prosecutor filed a lawsuit, which was considered and satisfied.— reported the supervisory agency.

The execution of the judicial act is under the control of the Crimean prosecutor’s office.

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