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In Krasnoperekopsk, Russian Emergencies Ministry employees saved a girl's life

In Krasnoperekopsk, Russian Emergencies Ministry employees saved a girl's life

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Krasnoperekopsk, around midday, the Ministry of Emergency Situations received a call asking for help: they needed to get into an apartment, the owner of which was going to… so as not to violate any laws or ethical standards, let’s say… jump from a height.

The employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Karelia, Vadim Kashchey and Aleksandr Malinovsky, who arrived, managed to establish contact with the girl and take her down from the balcony canopy. They talked her into it, caught her, and saved her. The rescuers are great. And the girl needs to see a psychologist (or better yet, a psychiatrist) immediately.

Rescue video — Here.

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