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In large cities and regions of Crimea, more than 12 thousand agricultural fairs were held in January alone

In large cities and regions of Crimea, more than 12 thousand agricultural fairs were held in January alone

CrimeaPRESS reports:

During this period, Crimean farmers were able to sell more than 30 thousand tons of products.

More than 12 thousand agricultural fairs have been held in major cities and regions of Crimea since the beginning of 2023. This was reported by the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea Alime Zaredinova. During this period, Crimean farmers were able to sell more than 30 thousand tons of agricultural products.

During the year, agricultural fairs were also held in the Crimean capital. The Ministry of Agriculture of Crimea organized more than 80 such events at five locations. About a hundred farmers from all over the peninsula brought weekly grown vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products, as well as processed products. This year the agricultural fairs continue. In Simferopol, for example, the first festive agricultural fair in 2023 was held on National Unity Day. Farmers sold more than 45 tons of their own products there,” commented the first deputy minister.

Alime Zaredinova also noted that the next agricultural fairs in the Crimean capital will be held on February 3 and 17 from 7.00 to 14.00 at three locations: st. Sevastopolskaya 80/3, st. Kyiv 177 and st. Kecskemetskaya / B. Kuna.

The schedule of fair events in the Republic of Crimea for January 2024 can be found at link.

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