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In one of the hotels in Sevastopol, brawlers staged a fist fight, and to blame … tomatoes

In one of the hotels in Sevastopol, brawlers staged a fist fight, and to blame … tomatoes

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Employees of the private security service of the Russian Guard detained men whose quarrel turned into a fist fight near a mini-hotel in the Leninsky district of the hero city.

Patrolmen of the Russian Guard, who arrived at the scene of the incident, saw fighting men at the entrance to the building and stopped the violation of public order. After questioning witnesses, law enforcement officers found that the spark of the confrontation that broke out was a verbal skirmish between an elderly local resident and one of the hotel workers. A pensioner on a land plot adjacent to her house broke beds with tomatoes. But when once again she decided to collect ripe tomato fruits from the bushes, a hotel handyman blocked her way. He categorically stated that the tomatoes did not belong to her. In the heat of a quarrel, the hotel worker switched to profanity, and the indignant woman, hoping to resolve the controversial situation, called her 57-year-old son. However, the conflict escalated into assault, and only an outfit of the National Guard could reason with the angry men.— announced the details of the case in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Sevastopol).

For further investigation, employees of the Russian Guard brought the fighters to the police department.

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