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In Russia, more forests are being restored than are being cut down. Putin praised the work of environmentalists

In Russia, more forests are being restored than are being cut down. Putin praised the work of environmentalists

CrimeaPRESS reports:

This is the result of all the citizens who planted trees and participated in environmental actions.

Starting in 2021, more forests are being restored in Russia than are being cut down. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his annual address to the Federal Assembly.

The head of state thanked ecologists, foresters, volunteers, schoolchildren, students, all citizens who planted trees and participated in environmental actions, as well as businesses for supporting such projects for this result.

We will definitely continue the restoration of forests, parks, and gardens, including around agglomerations and industrial centers,” Putin noted.

In Crimea, in 2023, more than 950 thousand seedlings and saplings were planted in the forest fund and municipalities. According to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Crimea, the plan for planting forest crops has been completed on an area of ​​295 hectares.

More than 2,500 people contributed to the greening of the peninsula.

Among the planted tree and shrub species: Crimean pine, ash-leaved maple, common ash, pedunculate oak, angustifolia oleaster, three-spined honey locust, Cossack juniper– reported the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Crimea.

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