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In Russia, social pensions indexed by 14.75%

In Russia, social pensions indexed by 14.75%

Krympress reports:

From April 1, social pensions will be indexed by 14.75% — in accordance with the growth rate of the subsistence minimum of pensioners over the past year. Such payments are received by people with disabilities and those who have lost the breadwinner, as well as citizens who do not have a work experience or is not enough to assign an insurance pension— the message says.

Also, from April 1, the size of the state pension provision of certain categories of citizens will be increased by 14.75%, including:

  • military personnel serving on a call,
  • Participants in the Great Patriotic War,
  • Citizens awarded with signs “a resident of the besieged Leningrad”, “a resident of the besieged Sevastopol” and “a resident of the besieged Stalingrad”,
  • test pilots and astronauts,
  • Citizens injured as a result of radiation or technogenic disasters and members of their families.

This measure will affect almost 4.2 million people. The budget of the Social Fund for this provides for about 85 billion rubles.

Supporting citizens is the priority of the government. It is important to continue to do everything necessary for people to be transferred in a timely manner— emphasized the chairman of the government Mikhail Mishustin.

source: RIA Novosti Crimea

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