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In Sevastopol, a former kindergarten guard went to a colony for 8 years. What have you done?

In Sevastopol, a former kindergarten guard went to a colony for 8 years. What have you done?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A former security guard at a kindergarten in Sevastopol was sentenced to 8 years in prison for a crime of a sexual nature against minors. This was reported by the regional department of the Investigative Committee.

The evidence collected by the Main Investigation Department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict a 54-year-old resident of the Nakhimovsky district. He was found guilty of a crime of a sexual nature committed against minors (clause “b”, part 5 of article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)the message says.

The investigative department for the Nakhimovsky district established that in the summer of this year, in exchange for the opportunity to play video games, a man convinced 6 and 7-year-old pupils of one of the kindergartens in the district, where he worked as a security guard, to take intimate photos. Subsequently, one of the girls informed her mother about everything, who passed the information received to law enforcement agencies. Investigators, in collaboration with employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol, identified two more girls who had suffered from the actions of the attacker.

The investigation collected a sufficient evidence base and carried out the necessary forensic examinations. The defendant was chosen as a measure of crossing in the form of detention. By a court verdict, the man was found guilty of this crime and sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment in a maximum security correctional colony with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to working with minors for a period of 15 years, with the appointment of a compulsory medical measure in the form of outpatient compulsory observation and treatment psychiatrist— reported in Sledkom.

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