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In Sevastopol, a project of typical architectural solutions for stops replenished

In Sevastopol, a project of typical architectural solutions for stops replenished

Krympress reports:

At a meeting of the Government of Sevastopol under the chairmanship of Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, a resolution was adopted according to which the existing standard architectural decisions on pavilions at stops were supplemented by a new type of Pavilion No. 5, designed specifically for places with limited space.

New pavilions will be compact and two options for the execution of the side walls (using various materials).

Today, in the constrained installation conditions, there are approximately 180 stop points in the direct and reverse direction,-quoted the press service of the Government of Sevastopol Julia Shemonaev.

The adoption of the decision will solve the problem with ensuring the appropriate general architectural stylization of the city of typical pavilions at public transport stops.

Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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