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In Sevastopol, amendments to the law on measures to support participants in a special operation were adopted in two readings

In Sevastopol, amendments to the law on measures to support participants in a special operation were adopted in two readings

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Today, at the session of the Legislative Assembly, amendments to Sevastopol Law No. 720-ZS on social support for participants in a special military operation were adopted.

As I already said, we have received many questions about benefits for SVO participants. In particular, there are cases when people are registered in Sevastopol, but they entered into contracts in other regions of the country and, accordingly, did not receive benefits in our city. Of course, this needed to be corrected, therefore, on my instructions, the Government of Sevastopol prepared amendments to the current law,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev.

The list of benefit recipients includes people who voluntarily arrived at military registration and enlistment offices or selection points for military service under a contract and were sent to military units participating in a special operation.

This means that now benefits will be received not only by those Sevastopol residents who signed a contract in their city, but also by those who signed contracts in other regionsnotes the head of the city.

The list also includes those who have entered into contracts to remain in volunteer formations involved in a special military operation. And the categories of persons serving in the National Guard have been clarified.

All 22 deputies present at the session voted for the changes. “I thank my colleagues from the Legislative Assembly for their support of these amendments, which are important for us,” says the governor.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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