In Sevastopol, employees of a separate battalion of the PPSP named after Vasily Buzin took the Oath
CrimeaPRESS reports:
Traditionally, the event took place in the Hall of Honor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Sevastopol on the Square of the Rebels, 6. In a solemn atmosphere of the patrol officers police services read out the words of the Oath of Allegiance to the Russian Federation and its people.
Police Colonel Alexander Krainyuk congratulated the young policemen. He told those present that the Oath is the guideline that the employees of the internal affairs bodies should always be guided by in their official activities and everyday life. “It is no coincidence that the ceremony of taking the Oath is held in the Hall of Honor of the Administration: here the names of the Heroes of the Russian Federation, employees of the internal affairs bodies, are carved on marble slabs. Many of them were awarded the highest award for their feats at the cost of their own lives , — quotes the press service of the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police colonel Alexander Krainyuk.
source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Sevastopol
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