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In Sevastopol — III festival “Word creation. Children»

In Sevastopol — III festival “Word creation. Children»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The love for art, literature, acting and creativity is what unites Sevastopol children and teenagers who decided to take part in the III festival of acting monologues “Word creation. Children».

Festival “Word creation. Children» is a space for those who feel confident on stage next to professional artists. This is the theatrical future of Sevastopol.

In Sevastopol - III festival “Word creation. Children In Sevastopol - III festival “Word creation. Children In Sevastopol - III festival “Word creation. Children In Sevastopol - III festival “Word creation. Children In Sevastopol - III festival “Word creation. Children In Sevastopol - III festival “Word creation. Children

The event runs from March 14 to 21. The founder of the festival is the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for the Preparation of Cultural and Mass Events “Fairytale Kingdom”. The festival is held jointly with the Sevastopol Theater for Young Spectators, with grant support from the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. The Festival coordinator is Honored Cultural Worker of the city of Sevastopol Yulia Pimkina.

A student of any theater studio in Sevastopol aged 7 to 18 years old with stage experience could become a participant. This year, 93 video works were sent to the “Word Creation Children” competition, in which young theatergoers recited various literary works by heart. The expert council selected 30 participants, who were divided into two age groups: 7-11 years old and 12-18 years old.

Young artists will be able to not only show their skills and talent, but also gain useful knowledge. For this purpose, master classes from leading theater figures of Sevastopol have been prepared for the children. Classes will be held on March 15 and 19.

On March 20, the participants will take to the professional stage to present their mini-performances to the professional jury. The competition will begin at 17:00.

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The young artists will be assessed by a professional jury, which includes:

  • Lyudmila Orshanskaya is the artistic director of the Sevastopol Theater for Young Spectators, Honored Artist of the city of Sevastopol.
  • Boris Talakh is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Evgeniy Boytsov – Deputy Head of the Department of Cultural Policy and Art Development.

The gala concert and announcement of the winners will take place on March 21 at 17:00 on the stage of the Sevastopol Theater for Young Spectators.

The organizers changed the style, choosing a matryoshka doll as the central symbol for 2024. More than 130 years ago, the nesting doll appeared as the personification of friendship, love and family. The traditional number of tabs is seven. Seven is a fabulous number and a symbol of family: “seven-I”. The matryoshka doll, having become an example of Russian decorative and applied art, has turned into a visiting card of Russia. It has become a symbol of the folk culture of our Fatherland. Throughout the festival, participants will be able to add color to the symbol of the festival, presented on a special banner.

source: press service of North Youth Theater

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