In Sevastopol — more than 150 vacancies for drivers with a salary of up to 100 thousand rubles
Krympress reports:
The work center «Work of Russia» in Sevastopol continues to talk about professions in demand in the city, offering vacancies with worthy wages.
According to the employment service, more than 150 vacancies for drivers are presented on the Russian work portal, the salary of which reaches 100 thousand rubles.
Drivers are required in passenger transportation, logistics, construction, as well as for work in the fire department. Employers offer stable employment, shift schedule, social package, and some — training and increasing the category.
So, at the moment, drivers are required for the following enterprises of the city.
In SevElectravtotrans The driver of the trolleybus is requiredsalary up to 100 thousand rubles, training with the provision of scholarships.
The Sevtransrest is represented 20 vacancies of driverssecondary vocational education and experience from three years are required.
«King is looking for bread Expedian driver the third category with wages from 60 thousand rubles and a full social package.
In the Balaklava Rudoist. A.M. Gorky «Open a vacancy The driver of the fifth loader category with a salary of up to 80 thousand rubles. The company provides a full social package, experience is counted for early purposes of the pension.
All details about these and other vacancies are presented in the Sevastopol Employment Base, the information about which is available to everyone on the portal «Job Russia «.
Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol
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