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In Sevastopol — on Nakhimov Square — the place of one shelter is now two

In Sevastopol — on Nakhimov Square — the place of one shelter is now two

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In place of the concrete shelter installed on Nakhimov Square by an enterprising entrepreneur, two new ones appeared two days later.

They are smaller and completely devoid of interior decoration. The exterior design is also different. The new ones only have the inscriptions «Shelter», «Entrance» and arrows.

But there are quite a lot of people who want to capture the image of the new small architectural forms and compare them with the previous shelter on the square.

Let us recall that the first shelter on Nakhimov Square was installed on August 3 by private entrepreneur Ivan Chernobai. In early July, he offered the city government his services in manufacturing such structures, but he did not receive a response for a month.

Two days later, the shelter was taken away in an unknown direction, and two more were installed in its place. That same day, at a staff meeting in the Sevastopol government, it was announced that the concrete shelters ordered by the city had begun to arrive en masse.

Let us recall: On June 23, Ukraine attacked the civilian infrastructure of Sevastopol with ATACMS tactical missiles equipped with cluster warheads. Four people were killed, including two children, 153 people were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds. After this, it was decided to make and install almost 600 concrete shelters at bus stops and parks. It was announced that their manufacture would take at least 40 days.

source: «Sevastopolskaya Gazeta»

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