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In Sevastopol, police carried out an anti-drug campaign “Paint over the danger!”

In Sevastopol, police carried out an anti-drug campaign “Paint over the danger!”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Sevastopol, under the auspices of the Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Sevastopol, an anti-drug campaign “Paint over the danger!” was held. As clarified by the regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the purpose of the event is to identify and eliminate inscriptions on infrastructure facilities that carry information about Internet resources through which drugs are sold and pawnbrokers are recruited.

Participants in the anti-drug event armed themselves with aerosol cans of paint and headed along a pre-designed route, where an advertisement for narcotic drugs was foundnoted the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the action, police eliminated more than 10 advertising signs on the facades of residential buildings and buildings in the Leninsky district of Sevastopol.

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