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In Sevastopol schools, the epidemiological situation is monitored

In Sevastopol schools, the epidemiological situation is monitored

Krympress reports:

At the hardware meeting of the Government of Sevastopol, chaired by Governor Mikhail Podvozhaev, they discussed the epidemiological situation in city schools. According to experts, last week measures have been taken to prevent the spread of seasonal diseases among children.

In fact, daily monitoring, which we conduct traditionally in all schools, in all kindergartens, institutions, last week showed the need to take measures to transfer four institutions into a remote form of training, -quotes the press service of the Government of Sevastopol, director of the Department of Education and Science Maxim Krivonos.

As a result of monitoring the situation last week, the number of appeals about the incidence in schools increased slightly. This led to the decision to transfer some schools to distance learning. Interaction with Rospotrebnadzor on the issue of transferring schools is supported on an ongoing basis.

As of the time of the report, 19 schools are engaged in this format. The educational process in these schools is organized in accordance with federal and regional requirements, using such platforms as “” and “Russian Electronic School” — this is a variable story for the teacher— added Maxim Krivonos.

As of today, a decision has been decided to transfer two more Sevastopol schools-the 14th and 23rd.

At the same time, on March 5, four schools transferred to distance learning last week will return to the usual operating mode.

In addition, the city has a general tendency to reduce incidence.

The number of appeals to healthcare institutions has slightly decreased with us. We see the dynamics because we disarmed the guys in time, made a decision in time, which allowed us to reduce the increase in the incidence— emphasized Maxim Krivonos.

Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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