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In Sevastopol, the issue of providing free meals to children of SVO participants who are not registered in the city was resolved

In Sevastopol, the issue of providing free meals to children of SVO participants who are not registered in the city was resolved

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Children of participants in the special military operation who are not registered in Sevastopol will be provided with free meals in schools. The corresponding resolution was adopted at a government meeting on October 30. Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev noted that last week the issue of free meals for this category of schoolchildren was raised by the public organization “Sevastopol Moms”. He recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to ensure equal rights and benefits and support measures for all participants of the SVO without exception and members of their families.

The question concerns the nutrition of children of SVO participants, who currently cannot confirm registration. And the second point is that the participants of the SVO themselves may be in other regions, and the children study in our schools. Of course, these guys can’t be any different from others, they should receive the same support measures,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Mikhail Razvozhaev.

The new decree makes changes to a number of regulations; starting tomorrow, the problem will be eliminated. Children of SVO participants who study in Sevastopol schools will receive free meals, regardless of the presence of registration or other documents confirming residence in the city of the SVO participant.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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