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In Sevastopol, the man overtook his business partner

In Sevastopol, the man overtook his business partner

Krympress reports:

The conflict on the topic of doing business has turned into criminal liability and loss of goods totaling more than 300 thousand rubles.

It was established that a 33-year-old local resident built business relations with his 38-year-old comrades and periodically invested money in his retail business, but at some point there was a conflict between them. While while intoxicated, the investor came to the entrepreneur’s house, but, not taking him up, climbed over the fence. Going around the house, he noticed the open window of the bathroom through which it penetrated inside. Looking around, the man opened another window and began to throw boxes with goods through him. Among the stolen were children’s sets for creativity, 76 pairs of women’s pants, about 30 purse, a charger, a musical column and other small goods for sale, as well as a bicycle. The suspect took all the stolen property to his friend, with whom he temporarily lived,-the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Sevastopol said.

Returning home, the businessman discovered the loss and turned to the police. Employees of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Gagarinsky district established the identity of the suspect and detained him. The man confessed to his deed and explained that he wanted to teach his comrade in such images, and he would give the stolen on his own. The police seized the stolen property and will return to the legal owner in the near future.

A criminal case was opened against the detainee under paragraph “a, c” of part 3 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “theft”. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to six years.

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Source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Sevastopol

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