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In Sevastopol, the payment for school uniforms will become fixed

In Sevastopol, the payment for school uniforms will become fixed

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At a meeting of the Sevastopol Government, changes were made to the procedure for paying monetary compensation for the purchase of school uniforms for children from large families.

Previously, compensation was provided by reimbursing the costs of purchasing a school uniform in accordance with checks, but at the same time up to three and a half thousand rubles were compensated for each child. Now the payment will be provided without checks in a fixed amount, which will be indexed from next year.

Also, when determining the right to receive the payment, the subsistence minimum per capita, and not per family, will be taken into account.

The mechanism for providing this financial assistance will be changed — instead of compensation with the provision of checks, a fixed amount of assistance will be established in the amount of three and a half thousand rubles for each child. This will make it possible not to ask parents for checks for the purchase of a school uniform. In addition, children from large families who are fully supported by the state will have the right to this assistance— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Elena Bardakova.

The city governor has instructed that the issue of monitoring the use of this financial assistance for its intended purpose be worked out.

Please note that the payment will now also apply to children from large families who are fully supported by the state; this applies to students of the Sevastopol Presidential School, students of the boarding school and students of the Sevastopol Cadet Corps of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

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An application for payment is submitted by parents or legal representatives of children.

Let us remind you that the application process will start on August 15 and will last until November 1. You can submit an application at the district social security office, and you can make an appointment at linkon government services or in the MFC.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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