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In Sevastopol, the prosecutor's office communicates with shareholders of the housing cooperative «Zhilkom»

In Sevastopol, the prosecutor's office communicates with shareholders of the housing cooperative «Zhilkom»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The First Deputy Prosecutor of the City of Sevastopol Dmitry Tellin held an on-site reception of citizens — shareholders of the housing and construction cooperative «Zhilkom» on issues of completing the construction of apartment buildings at the address: Pobedy Avenue, 29A.

Such techniques are carried out systematically. The next meeting was held with a visit to the site and inspection of houses. 31 people applied for an appointment.

Together with the first deputy city prosecutor, the reception was attended by Acting Deputy Governor of Sevastopol Pavel Ieno, Head of the Department for Control and Development of Shared Construction of the Capital Construction Department Andrey Solomakhin, Director of the Sevastopol City Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens — Participants in Shared Construction Vladimir Formanchuk, and employees of the prosecutor’s office.

Construction of a residential complex of two 11-story buildings began in 2013. For their construction, funds from 113 citizens were raised, but the developer did not fulfill its obligations to shareholders in a timely manner. Construction is 81% complete. To date, the buildings have not been put into operation. The cooperative is declared bankrupt. The houses are included in the federal Unified Register of Problem Properties.

The city prosecutor’s office and the Government of Sevastopol have taken a number of measures aimed at completing the construction of houses, putting them into operation and restoring the rights of shareholders. The dynamics of the situation at the site are discussed monthly in the city prosecutor’s office at meetings of the working group on the observance of the rights of shareholders.

In the course of resolving the problem situation, design and survey work was carried out on these houses. Based on the design documentation, a positive conclusion was received from the State Institution “State Expertise”. In December 2023, in order to restore the rights of shareholders, an additional agreement was concluded between the city’s Department of Capital Construction and the Territorial Development Fund PPC on the completion of the construction of houses for the housing cooperative Zhilkom on Pobedy Avenue.

Taking into account the joint measures taken, on May 31, 2024, at a meeting of the board of the PPK “Territory Development Fund”, a decision was made to allocate 273.9 million rubles to complete the construction of two houses of the housing cooperative “Zhilkom”. The issue of the Fund providing funds for the construction of a retaining wall at this address will be resolved after adjusting the project documentation and allocated to a separate stage of construction.

During the current meeting, shareholders were interested in the timing of the completion of houses and their commissioning, and the procedure for carrying out construction work. Dmitry Tellin and Pavel Ieno reported on the work carried out and answered questions received.

In order to monitor the restoration of the rights of affected citizens, dates for further working meetings at the site with the participation of shareholders, authorities and prosecutors have been determined.

source: press service of the Sevastopol prosecutor’s office

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