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In Sevastopol, the results of work to eliminate the consequences of bad weather were summed up

In Sevastopol, the results of work to eliminate the consequences of bad weather were summed up

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At a staff meeting in the Government of Sevastopol, chaired by Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, they discussed the elimination of the consequences of bad weather from June 14 to 16. First Deputy Governor Alexey Parikin reported on the work done.

The city’s life support system is now operating normally. Work to eliminate the consequences of bad weather, in particular regarding electricity and flooding, was completed. 481 people and 78 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences of the bad weather. Work to clean up the city, namely fallen soil and stones, is still underway. The roads have mostly been cleared. This only applies to courtyards where there was a very large amount of soil and stones in the park areas. They even cleaned up Primorsky Boulevard this morning. That is, a large amount of work still needs to be done. Vodokanal and emergency services responded to all requests for flooding in private sector areas. Many thanks also to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Not everyone has received help yet,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Alexey Parikin.

In addition, the situation with berths and maritime communications was discussed.

The entire infrastructure has been put in order, public transport is operating as normal, and maritime communications are also fully operational. The pier on Nakhimov was put in order. There are some minor comments left, we will finalize them. This does not affect sea traffic. There is no global damage. We eliminate everything point by point, — stated I. O. Deputy Governor Pavel Ieno.

Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev also emphasized that special attention should be paid to messages received from residents on social networks. He noted that in emergency situations it is especially important to give people effective feedback and help them solve problems. The head of the city emphasized that it is unacceptable to forward requests several times.

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During the meeting, the situation in children’s camps after the bad weather was also discussed. Deputy Governor Igor Mikheev reported that the children were not harmed in any of the health institutions. Camp “Mountain” was practically not affected by the rain, since there was no heavy rainfall on the territory. In the case of the Laspi camp, water flowed into some places, but no damage was detected.

In conclusion, the head of the city noted that during the week it is planned to further inspect the beaches of Sevastopol to ensure they are ready for the season.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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