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In Sevastopol they know how to improve a military burial near the St. George's Monastery

In Sevastopol they know how to improve a military burial near the St. George's Monastery

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At a meeting of the architectural and artistic council, they considered the project of a memorial complex and burials of heroes of the second defense of Sevastopol near the St. George’s Monastery. On behalf of Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, the initiative group’s appeal with the corresponding project was considered. He was introduced at the meeting by… O. Deputy Governor Evgeny Gorlov.

We received detailed historical documents and certificates, thanks to which the names of the soldiers of the heroic defense of Sevastopol were updated. As part of the project, it is proposed to perpetuate the names of the city’s defenders in honor of the 80th anniversary of liberation,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev.

During the research, specialists from the Sevastopol Defense Museum updated the lists of buried heroes.

The first burial took place in December 1941, the second in June 1942. The initial number of names of buried soldiers was 396, after updating it was 342, – notes Evgeny Gorlov.

It is planned to improve the existing burial places and install memorial plates on which 342 names of heroes who have not previously been immortalized will be inscribed.

During the discussion of the project, proposals were made to preserve the existing appearance of the burials, change the landscaping system, clarify the type of decorative fencing and change the style of flowerpots.

Taking into account the proposals made, members of the architectural and artistic council supported the project.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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