In Sevastopol, they launched the action of the Society «Knowledge» to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory
Krympress reports:
In anticipation of the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Russian Society “Knowledge” launches the All-Russian Patriotic campaign within the framework of the Knowledge project. Heroi. The action will cover all 89 regions of Russia. In Sevastopol, the first event took place at a city boiling point, where schoolchildren and activists of youth organizations of the city became participants in the thematic meeting dedicated to the exploits that Soviet people made during the Great Patriotic War.
Our generation is responsible for preserving historical memory, it is important to transfer knowledge to our children so that each of them remembers that heroic era and the heroes of the present — participants,-quoted the press service of the Government of Sevastopol as the director of the branch of the Knowledge company in Sevastopol Anna Glukhova.
The event was attended by a lecturer of the Knowledge company, managing the Sevastopol branch of PSB Arsen Tananyan. Turning to the participants, he emphasized the significance of such events in preserving historical memory.
You have wonderful teachers and teachers who pay great attention to domestic history, help you study and realize the importance of historical events and personalities— notes Arsen Tananyan.
Also in the format of the open dialogue, the lecturer “Knowledge”, a member of Sv, a soldier of the Sevastopol regiment of the Russian Guard, Viktor Sipyagin, told the children about the exploits of the troops of the NKVD. The guys learned about the legendary 10th Infantry Division, which participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, the role of the railway units of the internal troops in the defeat of fascism.
During the event, touching poems were made about the Great Patriotic War performed by activists of the movement of the first Alina Rogacheva and the daughter of the participant of his Alexandra Shurko.
Recall that in Sevastopol the Knowledge Society will hold a series of special thematic events, including in educational institutions, shows of historical films and documentary chronicles about the Great Patriotic War will be organized, experts will talk to the children about the heroism of the Soviet people in the format of open dialogues and interactive lectures, and will share the unique facts about the Second World War.
Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol
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