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In Simferopol and Saki, the prosecutor's office will force utility workers to repair roads

In Simferopol and Saki, the prosecutor's office will force utility workers to repair roads

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea organized an inspection of compliance with legal requirements in connection with the subsidence of part of the roadway along Grazhdanskaya Street in Simferopol. The supervisory agency checks compliance with the requirements of the legislation on road safety, and will also evaluate the performance of duties in maintaining the highway.

In Simferopol and Saki, the prosecutor's office will force utility workers to repair roads

If there are grounds, the issue of taking response measures will be decided. Which ones? And the same as in Saki. There, the prosecutor’s office demands that the road be repaired, the condition of which citizens complained about on social networks (the cry from the hearts of the citizens is HERE).

It was established that the section of the road on the street. Novoselovskoye Highway, leading to the veterinary treatment and prevention center, has numerous longitudinal and transverse irregularities. Based on the above, the interdistrict prosecutor’s office submitted a proposal to the administration of the city of Saki to eliminate the identified violations, which is under consideration— reported the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea.

In Simferopol and Saki, the prosecutor's office will force utility workers to repair roads

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