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In the Black Sea region, a realtor and a local resident are accused of fraud. What have you done?

In the Black Sea region, a realtor and a local resident are accused of fraud. What have you done?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Investigative Committee reports that a criminal case has been initiated against two residents of the Chernomorsky district. The realtor, as well as the owner who illegally registered the plots for himself, is charged with committing fraudulent acts on an especially large scale (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Two residents of the Chernomorsky district provided for state registration a package of documents with false information about the ownership of two land plots in municipal ownership by one of them. As a result, ownership rights were registered to a local resident, and plots with a total market value of over 3.5 million rubles were removed from the property of the Mezhvodnenskoye rural settlement, which is a particularly large amount— reported in Sledkom.

The criminal scheme was identified and stopped by officers of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

In order to compensate for the damage caused and return the lands to the ownership of the municipality, the investigation seized these plots. Currently, as part of the criminal investigation, efforts are ongoing to identify all participants in the fraudulent scheme.

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