In the Crimea, a week of prevention of infectious diseases began
Krympress reports:
The main ways of transmitting infectious diseases:
-airborne passing path (influenza, colds, chickenpox, coglush, tuberculosis, diphtheria, measles, rubella, etc.);
— alimentary (food) transmission path (all intestinal infections, salmonellosis, dysentery, viral hepatitis a);
— sexual (contact) transmission path (viral hepatitis B, C, HIV, AIDS, genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, papillomatosis);
— through blood (most often — viral hepatitis B and C, HIV AIDS).
Prevention of infectious diseases He plays an important role in maintaining human and society as a whole. Here are some basic measures to prevent infections:
Compliance with hygienic rules: regular washing hands with soap, especially after visiting public places, before meals and after contact with patients.
Vaccination: vaccinations help create immunity to certain infectious diseases and prevent their distribution.
Avoiding close contact with patients: if there are symptoms of infection, you must stay at home so as not to infect others.
The use of personal protective equipment: wearing masks, gloves and other protective equipment at conditions of increased risk of infection.
Proper nutrition, strengthening of immunity: healthy nutrition, physical activity, sufficient rest help maintain the immune system in good condition.
Conducting regular cleaning and disinfection of premises: this will help reduce the number of microbes and viruses in the environment.
Compliance with these measures will help reduce the risk of infection with infectious diseases and maintain health.
Remember! Like any other diseases, infectious diseases are easier to prevent, than to treat later!
Source: press service of the administration of Feodosia
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