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In the Crimea, according to the results of 2024, 286 projects took part in the SKIB project competition

In the Crimea, according to the results of 2024, 286 projects took part in the SKIB project competition

Krympress reports:

The competition of school initiative budgeting (ShKIB) in 2024 showed a significant increase in interest in the SKIB program. According to the results of last year, 286 projects took part in the competition, which is 45% more than in 2023. This was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea — Minister of Finance of the Republic of Crimea Irina Kiviko.

It is gratifying that in the republic in full swing is the process of implementing initiative budgeting practices through the wide involvement of citizens and the school community in solving issues of socio-economic development of territories and school infrastructure— emphasizes Irina Kiviko.

As the Deputy Prime Minister said, in the republic, the practice of initiative budgeting, focused on high school students of rural schools, which was called “Shkib” in Crimea, has been introduced since 2023.

The development and formation of SKIB projects was due to the joint efforts of students in grades 8-11 of schools of districts, councils of students and local authorities.

Skib projects aimed at developing the infrastructure of a general educational organization were allowed for competitive selection. Skib projects were selected by children during intra -school qualifying procedures and subsequently implemented with financial support from the republic’s budget in the amount of up to 350 thousand rubles per 1 project. In turn, the municipal district ensured co -financing of the project at least 5% of the project cost. Individuals, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and other persons could participate in a non -contribution to the project, for which additional points were given— commented on Irina Kiviko.

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