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In the Crimea, at the Angarsk training ground, tankers of the army corps of the Southern Military District perform firing practice

CrimeaPRESS reports:

В Крыму, на полигоне Ангарский танкисты армейского корпуса ЮВО выполняют учебные стрельбы

In the Crimea, at the Angarsk training ground, the crews of T-B3 tanks as part of the tank units of the army corps of the Southern Military District (SMD) began to carry out training firing. The event is held in accordance with the combat training plan for tank units of the coastal defense formation.

Tankers perform firing both from a standstill and on the move over rough terrain. They work out the conduct of an oncoming battle and the tactics of suppressing anti-tank crews located in equipped positions , the press service of the Southern Military District reports.

For personnel performing tasks as part of combat training in the field, additional heating areas are equipped, where military personnel can warm up, dry their outerwear and drink hot tea during the break between classes.

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