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In the Crimean city of Saki, the young hero of the Northern Military District was seen off on his last journey

In the Crimean city of Saki, the young hero of the Northern Military District was seen off on his last journey

CrimeaPRESS reports:

He will forever be 20 years old…

In the city of Saki, today a young fellow countryman, the twenty-year-old hero of the Northern Military District, Kirill Konakov, was seen off on his last journey.

A young guy, he turned 20 on December 8th. He studied at secondary school 4 for some time. He was called up for military service from our city. He didn’t shy away, didn’t meander – like a man went to serve. After 9 months of service, I made a decision and signed a contract. He was sent to the Northern Military District zone, Kharkov direction. He died as a hero, in an unequal battle with Nazi militants — without retreating, without being cowardly, without betraying. Thank you, son, for our world.wrote in his Telegram channel head of the administration of Sak Alexander Ovdienko.

 In the Crimean city of Saki, the young hero of the Northern Military District was seen off on his last journey

How little they knew about the simple Crimean guy during his lifetime and how much he said with his one act…

I sincerely thank the community of the city, friends, representatives of labor collectives, institutions and authorities, the parents of Kirill’s classmates and the children with whom he studied and spent time, thanks to our veterans, thanks to our schoolchildren and youth of the city, thanks to school teachers and educators, deputies of the Saki City Council , thanks to everyone who took part in the farewell ceremony and funeral service for our Hero. Special words of gratitude to the People’s Militia Detachment for participating in the burial ritual and giving military honors.

I want to tell everyone, Kirill, like those guys with whom we have already said goodbye, they are the pride of our city. Pride of the Great Countrynoted Alexander Ovdienko.

Eternal memory to the hero. We mourn together with the family and friends of the warrior…

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