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In the Dzhankoy district, for the convenience of citizens, they intend to organize the work of mobile pharmacies

In the Dzhankoy district, for the convenience of citizens, they intend to organize the work of mobile pharmacies

CrimeaPRESS reports:

During a working trip, the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov visited a number of settlements in the Dzhankoy district.

The head of Crimea began his trip from the village of Sovetskoye, where he met with the head of the settlement and residents. As Sergei Aksyonov reported, for the convenience of residents of the locality, public transport will be launched from the village of Sovetskoye to the village of Azovskoye. In addition, a decision was made in the village to organize an on-site pharmacy and install a children’s playground. In addition, installation of street lighting and patching of roads will be carried out in the village; the relevant services must solve the problem of instability of the network voltage. Residents also received a request for additional gasification of the village— noted in the press service Head of the Republic of Crimea.

In the village of Maiskoye, Sergei Aksyonov inspected the cultural center, which is being renovated. The site is slightly behind schedule, but the contractor promises to complete the work this year. In addition, the Head of Crimea said that patching of the road from Maiskoye to the Azovskoye village would be carried out, and added that options for major repairs of the road between these settlements would be considered.

Next, Sergei Aksenov visited the village of Tabachnoye. It is necessary to ensure heat supply to the kindergarten in the settlement by the end of the year. A fence will also be installed near the stadium on the road side to ensure people’s safety.

In addition, Sergei Aksenov visited the villages of Svetloye and Borodino. There is an acute problem of shortage of pharmacies there. This issue, according to the Head of Crimea, needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

Then the Head of the Republic visited the villages of Prostornoe and Aprelevka. Sergei Aksyonov instructed to prepare a project for a sports hall at a school in Prostornye by February. The organization of the work of a mobile medical center in Aprelevka was also discussed. Today, doctors work in the village on a rotational basis. Next year it is planned to install a modular FAP.

When visiting the village of Stefanovka, Sergei Aksenov instructed to optimize the school bus schedule.

In the village of Novaya Zhizn, Sergei Aksyonov inspected the streets, assessed the quality of cleaning, sanitation and landscaping, and the fulfillment of other assignments. According to the Head of Crimea, the village is in good condition – the work of the locality’s leadership is visible.

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Then the Head of the Republic visited the village of Pobednoye and inspected the Pobednenskaya Children’s Art School, where major renovations are being completed as part of the national regional project “Ensuring a qualitative new level of development of cultural infrastructure” of the national project “Culture”. The facility is expected to be put into operation on October 15.

Sergei Aksenov also visited the village of Chaikino.

Summing up the results of the working trip, Sergei Aksyonov noted that in the Dzhankoy district the main problem is the state of the healthcare system. Thus, it is necessary to organize the work of mobile pharmacies so that residents of the region have the opportunity to obtain medicines in their locality.

Medicines should be available in all primary care centers and outpatient clinics in the region. There is also a shortage of specialized doctors in the municipality. I instructed the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea to organize the stable work of specialists on a rotational basis. I will supervise this process personallyemphasizes the Head of the Republic.

Sergei Aksyonov also said that compensation to legal entities affected by the emergency in August 2022 will be paid until October 30.

Sergei Aksyonov also commented on issues related to the liquidation of rent arrears to shareholders. “Together with Inna Sergeevna Fedorenko, we have connected the shareholders with the owners, a meeting will be held by the end of the month. The owner guarantees that he will pay off all debts to citizens,” the Head of Crimea noted.

In general, Sergei Aksyonov noted the good work of the administration of the Dzhankoy district.

Rural areas require a special approach; therefore, there are more problems here than in the city. A separate issue is the level of income of citizens. We will work manually with residents of the most remote villages to increase their incomes, including by growing produce on their plots. Over the next week we will re-examine all the problematic issues of the Dzhankoy district, – says the Head of the Republic.

In the Dzhankoy district, for the convenience of citizens, they intend to organize the work of mobile pharmacies In the Dzhankoy district, for the convenience of citizens, they intend to organize the work of mobile pharmacies In the Dzhankoy district, for the convenience of citizens, they intend to organize the work of mobile pharmacies In the Dzhankoy district, for the convenience of citizens, they intend to organize the work of mobile pharmacies

The head of the Dzhankoy district administration, Inna Fedorenko, took part in the trip.

source: Department of Information and Press Service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea

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