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In the Kirov region, a man was convicted of attempted bribery. Tried to “pay off” the traffic police

In the Kirov region, a man was convicted of attempted bribery. Tried to “pay off” the traffic police

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the Kirov region of Crimea, a local resident was convicted of attempted petty bribery. The court found that in February of this year, a man, driving a VAZ 21070 along the Tavrida — Kirovskoye highway, was stopped by traffic police officers. During the document check, it was established that the driver did not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Wanting to avoid responsibility, the accused tried to give the official a bribe of 500 rubles. The internal affairs officer refused illegal remuneration— reported the prosecutor’s office.

The court, taking into account the opinion of the state prosecutor, sentenced the man to a fine. Lesson for the future.

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