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In the Leninsky district, a drunk motorcycle driver tried to drive around the village

In the Leninsky district, a drunk motorcycle driver tried to drive around the village

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The traffic police, while patrolling the road network in the village of Leninskoye, Leninsky district, spotted a motorcycle, the driver and passenger of which were not wearing helmets. The vehicle’s maneuvers aroused suspicion among police officers. State traffic inspectors, using flashing lights and a special sound signal, demanded the driver to stop, but he did not comply with the legal demands of the police and continued driving. While pursuing a motor vehicle around a curved road, the passenger jumped off the motorcycle. The motorcyclist drove onto the street to his place of residence, where he crashed into the gate of his household.

When talking with the driver, a 36-year-old local resident, the reason for his behavior became clear: the man smelled of alcohol. The driver could hardly stand on his feet, his gait and slurred speech indicated severe alcohol intoxication. During the examination procedure using the Alkotektor device, the driver’s alcohol intoxication was confirmed; the result showed that the norm of ethyl alcohol in the exhaled air was almost five times higher than the norm, — note the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Crimea.

State traffic inspectors removed the driver from driving the vehicle, and the motorcycle was sent to a specialized parking lot. While police officers were carrying out routine actions, the driver obstructed this in every possible way, categorically refused to enter the official vehicle, and tried to escape. For disobedience to a lawful order of a police officer, a protocol was drawn up against a citizen under Part 1 of Art. 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, as well as under Art. 12.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for failure to comply with a lawful request of a police officer to stop a vehicle. For driving a motor vehicle without a license plate, without a motorcycle helmet, without documents, and without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, State Traffic Inspectorate employees drew up 4 more administrative protocols against the would-be driver.

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The court held a citizen administratively liable for disobedience to a lawful order of a police officer. The violator was given administrative arrest.

When checking the databases, it was found that this citizen had previously been brought to administrative and criminal liability for driving a vehicle while intoxicated. The investigation department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Leninsky district opened a criminal case against the driver under Part 2 of Art. 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

source: press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Crimea

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