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In the north of Crimea, more than 40 thousand residents will receive clean water

In the north of Crimea, more than 40 thousand residents will receive clean water

CrimeaPRESS reports:

More than 40 thousand residents of the Krasnoperekopsk district in the northern part of the Crimean peninsula will receive high-quality water thanks to the construction of water treatment facilities under the national project «Housing and Urban Environment». About this TASS The Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Republic of Crimea reported.

Earlier, the regional authorities reported a problem with the quality of drinking water, which is extracted from underground horizons in the northern and eastern regions due to its high mineralization and salinity. The head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov, reported the allocation of more than 36 billion rubles by 2030 for measures to provide residents of the region with high-quality drinking water.

Within the framework of the federal project «Clean Water», which is part of the national project «Housing and Urban Environment», the implementation of the event «Construction of water treatment facilities in the city of Krasnoperekopsk» has begun. Commissioning of the facility in December 2024 will provide high-quality drinking water to more than 42 thousand residents of the city of Krasnoperekopsk and the Krasnoperekopsk district— says the response to a TASS request, signed by the deputy minister of housing and communal services of the region, Roman Voskolupov.

It is noted that the capacity of the facilities will be 15 thousand cubic meters per day. The cost of the facility is 2.6 billion rubles.

The goal of the federal project «Clean Water» within the framework of the national project «Housing and Urban Environment» is to increase the share of Russians provided with high-quality drinking water from centralized water supply systems to 88.8% by the end of 2024. In cities, this figure should reach 95%.

source: TASS

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