In the Republic of Crimea, 50 trademarks were registered with state support
Krympress reports:
Among the recipients of support measures are a designer of clothing, interior, software developers, food manufacturers, dental clinics, SMSP, providing additional education services, a beauty and health laboratory, a manufacturer of essential oils, organizer of mass sports events, as well as a tourist room for a recreation, a manor.
The Deputy Prime Minister recalled that today territorial clusters are developing in Crimea, uniting small and medium-sized businesses in various fields of activity.
Currently, 848 people are participants in the cluster development center. In February alone, 22 new participants joined clusters. Now they can get various services on the conditions of co -financing, paying only 5% of the total cost— Irina Kiviko reminded.
There are also six clusters in the region: IT claster, a cluster of local electric vehicles, medical-biological, tourist, agro-industrial-biotechnological and creative clusters, which joins entrepreneurs to use support measures.
Support for Crimean companies is carried out as part of the national project “Effective and Competitive Economics” by the Center for Clutch Development — a structural division of the Center for My Business ”of the Republic of Crimea.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Crimea
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