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In the Sevastopol village of Orlin, roads are repaired as part of the national project

In the Sevastopol village of Orlin, roads are repaired as part of the national project

Krympress reports:

In Sevastopol, in the framework of the national project “Infrastructure for Life”, road repairs are being repaired. In total, it is planned to restore 63 roads and one bridge. Repair work is also underway in rural areas. So, in the Orlinovsky municipal district, they plan to repair 26 roads.

On one of them — Kashtanova Street — the repair ends. Its length is 380 meters, and it leads to the top ten houses.

Like last year, road workers work ahead of time. We were able to establish work in such a way that we conclude contracts with contracting organizations for next year in November-December. This allows us to go to objects since January and repair roads ahead of schedule, which is indicated in the contracts. For example, Kashtanova Street was supposed to be repaired by November 20. As we see, today the contractor lays the upper layer of asphalt concrete coating and will completely complete the work here in the near future,-quoted the press service of the Government of Sevastopol, First Deputy Director of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure Nikolai Maximov.

Since the beginning of the year, 25 roads have already been repaired, work has been underway on 24 roads.

Recall that the implementation of the National Project «Infrastructure for Life» is planned until 2030.

Source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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