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In the Simferopol clinic No. 2 now there is a densitometer. The device evaluates the density of the fabric

In the Simferopol clinic No. 2 now there is a densitometer. The device evaluates the density of the fabric

Krympress reports:

In the GBUZ of the Republic of Crimea “Simferopol Polyclinic No. 2” new equipment was purchased — a system of X -ray bone densitometry. The device worth 9 million rubles was purchased at the expense of the budget of the Republic of Crimea.

This equipment that allows you to assess the density of bone tissue and, in general, the state of the body is the ratio of muscle, fat and bone tissue. Using this apparatus, various pathological processes can be detected — for example, the presence of metastases in the bones with oncological disease, the risk of fractures, the severity of osteoporosis, the condition of the femoral head after the fracture, which will choose the right prosthesis,-quoted the press service of the chief physician of the GBUZ RK “Simferopol clinic No. 2” Alexei Music.

He also noted that to work on new equipment, medical workers of the clinic underwent special training.

The study on the new apparatus within the framework of compulsory medical insurance can be carried out not only by patients attached to the GBUZ of the RK “Simferopol clinic No. 2”, but also other Crimeans in the presence of indications and in the direction of the attending physician. Previously, densitometry was available in Crimea only in private medical organizations.

Source: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea

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