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In Ukraine they brag about the attack on Sevastopol and reveal details: the planes “worked out”

In Ukraine they brag about the attack on Sevastopol and reveal details: the planes “worked out”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

But it’s not a fact that it’s airplanes.

Commander of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Nikolai Oleshchuk indirectly confirmedthat the missile attack on Sevastopol that night was carried out using Western-supplied Storm Shadow missiles using aircraft. Voyaka, in particular, wrote on Telegram that Crimea is “stormy,” and also thanked the flight crew of the remnants of the Ukrainian Air Force and promised Russia some “continuation.”

In Ukraine they brag about the attack on Sevastopol and reveal details: the planes “worked out”

Logically, this is true. Su-24s of the Ukrainian Air Force were previously modified to carry Storm Shadow. Each aircraft is capable of carrying two cruise missiles. That is, 5 “sushkas” of the Ukrainian Air Force could take part in the night attack on Sevastopol.

However, it is possible that Oleschuk is casting a shadow over the fence. It may also be the first time that surface-to-surface guided missiles were used to strike Sevastopol, launched from British M270 MLRS universal launchers.


Also, for use from the ground, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are capable of using launchers of their ground-based Grom-2 complex. However, this requires not aviation, but naval modifications of the Storm Shadow. And Kyiv already has them (“thanks” to generous Western assistance). A number of Ukrainian sources write about this. The strike was carried out from Odessa, was combined (the participation of naval drones as a diversionary maneuver) and was coordinated by the British intelligence service MI-6.

About the night attack on Sevastopol — HERE.

PS. Let us recall that earlier the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, stated that the use of Western missiles outside the special operation zone would mean a full-fledged involvement of Great Britain and the United States in the armed conflict. Only Britain and the United States no longer seem to be trying to hide the fact that they have been actively participating in the conflict against Russia for a long time.

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