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In Yalta, a criminal case was sent to the court about an accident with a truck that hit a teenager

In Yalta, a criminal case was sent to the court about an accident with a truck that hit a teenager

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Yalta, the prosecutor’s office approved and submitted to the court an indictment in a criminal case against a resident of the city of Sevastopol. He is accused of committing a crime under paragraph «a» part 2 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation by a person driving a car of the rules of the road, which negligently entailed the infliction of grievous harm to human health, if it was committed by a person in a state of intoxication). About this terrible accident — HERE.

According to the investigation, on May 26 of this year, a man drove a Shacman truck, which contained more than 25 tons of asphalt concrete mix. Moving along st. Blucher in Yalta, the defendant chose the wrong methods of driving a vehicle, which in the process of driving led to overheating of the brake system, a decrease in efficiency and its further failure. After losing control of the vehicle, the truck drove onto the sidewalk, where it hit a teenager born in 2008 and an office building. The victim of a road traffic accident, a minor received multiple injuries and was hospitalized. The driver refused to pass the examination for intoxication— the prosecutor’s office recalled the circumstances of the incident.

During the investigation, the defendant was chosen a measure of restraint in the form of detention. With the approved indictment, the criminal case was sent to the Yalta City Court for consideration on the merits. The culprit of the accident faces severe punishment — from 3 to 7 years in prison.

In Yalta, a criminal case was sent to the court about an accident with a truck that hit a teenager

Photo: Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea.

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