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In Yevpatoria, agreements were signed on taking measures to stabilize prices for socially important goods

In Yevpatoria, agreements were signed on taking measures to stabilize prices for socially important goods

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In order to stabilize the pricing policy and prevent unreasonable increases in prices for a socially significant group of food products in the territory of our municipality, the administration of the city of Evpatoria is constantly working to sign agreements with retail trade entities on taking measures aimed at stabilizing retail prices for goods included in a list of certain types of socially significant essential food products for which maximum permissible retail prices can be established.

According to the terms of such an Agreement, business entities — signatories undertake the obligation to establish a trade markup for social goods of no more than 5% to the wholesale selling price of the manufacturing enterprise or the wholesale selling price of the supplier. Distinctive blue price tags are installed on such goods in retail outlets. Currently, on the territory of the municipality, Agreements have been signed with 129 entrepreneurs for 184 retail facilities, including in the villages of Zaozernoye, Mirny, Novoozernoye. Work in this direction continues. Also, employees of the city administration conduct daily monitoring of retail facilities to ensure that entrepreneurs comply with the terms of the signed Agreements,” noted the press service of the Evpatoria administration.

Addresses of retail facilities — signatories of the Agreement are available HERE.

source: press service of the Evpatoria administration

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