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Incident on the Crimean mountain pass Fortochka

Incident on the Crimean mountain pass Fortochka

CrimeaPRESS reports:

All’s well that ends well.

Employees of the Simferopol emergency rescue «CRIMEA-SPAS» evacuated a tourist who was exhausted in the area of ​​the Fortochka pass.

On January 13, at 19:25, information was received that on the Lower Plateau of Mount Chatyr-Dag, in the area of ​​the Fortochka Pass, a man did not calculate his strength when passing the route and was unable to reach his intended overnight location in time. Due to the onset of darkness and low temperatures, the help of rescuers is required. The duty shift of the Simferopol ASO of the State Institution of the Republic of Crimea «CRIMEA-SPAS» was sent to the scene of the incident.— reported the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea.

Upon arrival at the Lower Plateau of Mount Chatyr-Dag in the Tisovo Gorge area, rescuers began searching for the tourist. As a result, 40 minutes later the man was found in the area of ​​the Fortochka pass. Rescuers warmed him up and gave him hot tea, evacuated him to a service car and took him to Simferopol.

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