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Inflation in Crimea has accelerated. Why?

Inflation in Crimea has accelerated. Why?

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Inflation in Crimea in May, reports the press service of the Branch for the Republic of Crimea of ​​the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, accelerated slightly. There are several reasons:

  • transfer of increased costs of manufacturers and suppliers into prices;
  • reduction in the supply of some products;
  • growth in demand for certain goods and services.

Potatoes have risen in price compared to last year’s prices, and the rise in apple prices has accelerated mainly due to a reduction in import supplies. Due to increased logistics costs, banana prices have risen more in annual terms than in April.

The rise in prices in canteens, cafes and restaurants in the region accelerated due to the rise in prices of some fruits, vegetables and meat. This is due, among other things, to an increase in demand for catering services due to the increase in tourist flow to the region.

The popularity of Crimea as a tourist region continued to support high demand for rental apartments, so the growth in prices for rental housing in the republic accelerated.

Hairdressing salon services have risen in price in annual terms more than in April — beauty salons have increased the cost of their maintenance, including rent of space and consumables.

Inflation in Crimea has accelerated. Why?

Inflation in Crimea in May was 6.9% after 6.6% in April 2024.

source: press service of the Branch for the Republic of Crimea of ​​the Southern Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

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