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It’s hard to learn… In Dzhankoy, a fire at a dairy plant was extinguished

It’s hard to learn… In Dzhankoy, a fire at a dairy plant was extinguished

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On October 10, in Dzhankoy, at the Novator dairy plant, employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea conducted fire-tactical exercises. The purpose of the training is to practice fire extinguishing actions at an enterprise that processes milk and produces fermented milk products.

It’s hard to learn... In Dzhankoy, a fire at a dairy plant was extinguished

According to the tactical plan, in the midst of the working day, a fire occurred at the dairy production plant. The cause of the fire was a technological failure in one of the workshops. The “fire” quickly spread through the industrial structures and caused heavy smoke. As a result, two workers were unable to leave the workshop on time.

It’s hard to learn... In Dzhankoy, a fire at a dairy plant was extinguished

On alarm, 12 units of equipment and 50 personnel went to the scene of the mock incident. By the time the first fire crews arrived, the facility administration had already evacuated the personnel. Firefighters promptly deployed and immediately began extinguishing the fire. During reconnaissance, gas and smoke protection workers discovered conditionally injured people and successfully evacuated them.— said the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Crimea.

It’s hard to learn... In Dzhankoy, a fire at a dairy plant was extinguished

Thanks to the coordinated work of all participants in the exercise, the fire was extinguished in just an hour.

It’s hard to learn... In Dzhankoy, a fire at a dairy plant was extinguished

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